Welcome to the New Age, I’m Radioactive, Radioactive

Whenever I try to post something up on my blog, I always find myself staring at the screen, trying to find something worthy of writing, and most of the times I just fail. I guess it’s because I have so much in my mind that I want to share with the world but as soon as I try to put them into words, they all seem like a random 17 year old girl’s babbling, which is often times true. So, let’s change the subject now. People say that simplicity is boring, which I believe it’s quite the contrary since monotony is my middle name. Here you see a simple outfit with the simplest colours, I usually rather mix and match colours rather than patterns but I just like nude outfits so much that I wanted to give it a go, I also love this top’s back. 
I also became a romantic little freak in just a week. This green paradise makes me day-dream all the time and it started to effect my studies, I just can not focus! I guess it’s mainly because of the books that I read and the things that I watch, but seriously, don’t you agree that often times books depict your ideal world way better than the world outside? I want to grab my suitcase or backpack or whatever and travel and meet with new people, experience new things. Maybe monotony is not my middle name after all…
Ne zaman blogumda bir şeyler paylaşmaya çalışsam, kendimi yazmaya değer şeyler ararken ekrana bakar buluyorum ve çoğu zaman da bu arayışım sonuçsuz kalıyor. Sanırım bunun nedeni birçok şey yaşıyor olmam ama ne zaman bunları kelimelere dökmeye çalışsam, alakasız bir 17li kızın gevezeliği gibi geliyor, ki çoğu zaman bu doğru da. Neyse, konuyu değiştirelim. İnsanlar, basitliğin sıkıcı olduğunu söylerler, ki bence durum bunun tam tersi çünkü monotonluk benim ikinci adım. Burada, en basit renklerden oluşturduğum bir kombini görüyorsunuz, genellikle renklerle oynamayı tercih ederim ama böylesi basit renklerle yapılan kombinleri hep çok sevmişimdir ve kendim de bir tane yaratmak istedim, ayrıca giydiğim üstün arkasını da çok seviyorum. 
Aynı zamanda son bir haftada tam bir romantik manyağa dönüştüm. Bütün bu yeşil cennet olayı hep hayal kurmamı sağlıyor ve son zamanlarda çalışmalarımı engellemeye başladı, konsantre olamıyorum! Sanırım bunun nedeni okuduğum kitaplar ve izlediğim şeyler, ama sizce de okuduğunuz şeylerdeki dünya, içinde bulunduğunuz dünyaya göre idealinize daha yakın değil mi? Bavulumu, ya da sırtçantamı ya da her ne olursa olsun onu toplayıp yeni yerler görmek istiyorum, yeni insanlar tanımak ve yeni şeyler denemek. Belki de monotonluk ikinci adım değildir…

 Wearing: Chained Blouse & Crochet Shorts, TOBI // Rings, BERSHKA // Heels, I DON’T EVEN KNOW

28 thoughts on “Welcome to the New Age, I’m Radioactive, Radioactive

  1. Your outfit is so absolutely lovely, dearest Eda, it´s just a dream <3 And it fits perfect to you and your actual mood, too. When I read books I like the world which is described inside them but this is enough for me, I don´t want to travel and see it in reality - it´s enough for me to imagine everything, and this is what I really like. So I would say that I´m very very boring ;)

    Wish you a wonderful rest for the weekend, enjoy your wonderful weather, here in Bavaria it´s so cold, yesterday it snowed here again …

    Big hugs from Bavaria, Rena



  2. Hahah don't say that Rena, dreaming is believing! I love dreaming and I love books that allow people to dream rather than stating the facts and stuff, THEY are the ones who're boring, you, on the other hand, are definitely lovely!
    Seriously, how can it be still snowing?! You really need a warm vacation some place Rena, big hugs, and warm weather from Istanbul to you and your lovely family!


  3. I just love your outfit! Is that a necklace in the back? I saw a really good DIY for those shorts…. they look really similar. I might have to try it out because those are so stinkin' cute. Love your blog. I would love if you would check out mine….there are some awesome link ups that I've been joining. You should check them out.


  4. Thank you so much lovely Taylor! Nope, it's just the back as it is but a necklace like that would be so cool! I suck at DIYs but I'm sure you'll rock them. 🙂 I'm on your blog now!


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